
What Are The Animals That Are Going Extinct

24 Animals That Are Going Extinct, and Why Information technology's Happening

Dhaka, 3 Apr 2021: In 2019, the United Nations released a study by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), alert of an "unprecedented" and "dangerous" reject of nature every bit extinction rates skyrocketed for species around the earth.

In its report compiling information from 145 experts in 50 countries, IPBES warns, "The average abundance of native species in most major land-based habitats has fallen by at least 20 percentage, mostly since 1900. More than xl percent of amphibian species, almost 33 percentage of reef-forming corals, and more than a third of all marine mammals are threatened."

If Earth is facing the "sixth mass extinction" as many scientists believe, then who is at fault? Why is this severe turn down in biodiversity happening, and how can we stop it?

Why Are Animals Becoming Extinct?

Most of the threats facing endangered animals are caused by humans. In 2020, researchers sounded the alarm for more than 500 species of vertebrates "on the brink of extinction" within the next 20 years. This extinction crunch is beingness driven first and foremost by homo action.

Poaching, wildlife trafficking, and hunting all put animals at chance, but there is an even more daunting threat to endangered species that is being ignored: fauna agriculture. Deforestation, habitat loss, overfishing, global warming, and other issues linked to animal farming are putting wild species in danger of collapse.

As industrial animate being farming continues to encroach on the natural earth, more and more species are being put in harm's way. Below is a list of some of the animals currently facing extinction and how humans, and more specifically animate being agriculture, are involved.

Animals That Are Going Extinct


The primary threat to the critically endangered saola, discovered not long ago in 1992, is hunting, according to IUCN, which called the mammal specially vulnerable to hunting with dogs. In 2009, the IUCN reported that experts believe the "saola cannot exist saved without intensified removal of poachers' snares and reduction of hunting with dogs in key areas of the Annamite forests."

North Atlantic Right Whale

One of the most endangered species of whale in the world, with fewer than 400 individuals remain, the North Atlantic Right Whale faces many dangers including high levels of ocean racket and warmer water, but "entanglement in angling gear and vessel strikes are the leading causes of North Atlantic correct whale bloodshed," writes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA estimates that over 85 percent of right whales take experienced being entangled in fishing gear at least once in their lifetime.

This species was one time most wiped out by whaling. In fact, the correct whale got its name because information technology was viewed equally the "correct whale" to hunt, being a slow swimmer and floating to the surface when killed. Today, the fishing and shipping industries are the North Atlantic Right Whale'southward deadliest threats.


The gharial crocodile is "ane of the earth'due south most endangered reptiles," reports BBC, "clinging to survival in India, Nepal, and People's republic of bangladesh." Amongst the threats pushing the gharial to the brink are agriculture and aquaculture, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

"Farming and agriculture, mining, pollution, and full general disturbances have all contributed towards the radical decline in Gharial numbers. Even livestock have contributed towards their pass up equally livestock such as water buffalo and cattle take destroyed and damaged riverbanks, sandbanks, and gharial nests by simply grazing," writes


The critically endangered kakapo parrot is unique among nearly of the species listed here considering its threats are non deforestation or hunting by humans—yet sadly, merely an estimated 116 of these birds are believed to remain. According to IUCN, the kakapo'south main threats are invasive species, genes, and diseases.

Amur Leopard

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) calls the situation faced by the critically endangered Amur leopard "critical," due to "extensive habitat loss and conflict with humans." One of the drivers of habitat loss is the conversion of land for farming. Agriculture indirectly impacts the fate of this leopard, too, the WWF points out. "Agronomics and villages surround the forests where the leopards live. Equally a upshot, the forests are relatively accessible, making poaching a bigger problem than elsewhere."


The earth's nearly endangered sea mammal, the vaquita porpoise, is quickly vanishing and its decline is due to illegal fishing gear used to catch some other critically endangered creature: the totoaba fish. Globe Animal Protection writes, "The vaquita'south proximity to extinction is due to illegal fishing action and the resulting abandoned gillnets, known as ghost nets. Although an estimated ten vaquitas are remaining, Mexico is because reducing its protections for the porpoise.

Blackness Rhino and Northern White Rhino

Although the main threat to the Blackness rhinoceros and other species of rhinoceros is largely agreed to be poaching of the animals for their horns, Salve the Rhino calls habitat loss "a major threat to rhino populations." The organization also writes, "Clearance of land for homo settlement, agronomical product, and logging are constantly increasing. This is a major threat to all species as wild animals needs space to survive and thrive."

Bornean Orangutan

In 2018, NPR reported that Borneo had lost 100,000 orangutans in xvi years. The critically endangered Bornean orangutan is already a vulnerable species because information technology is tedious to reproduce. So, hunting represents a serious danger to the survival of the species, which is as well losing its woods abode to the palm oil manufacture and other agriculture.

Calling palm oil "the biggest threat to the hereafter of orangutans," the Orangutan Conservancy writes, "Palm oil is a globally traded agricultural commodity that is used in 50 percent of all consumer goods, from lipstick and packaged food to body lotion and biofuels. Demand for palm oil in the Ushas tripled in the last v years, pushing palm oil tillage deep into the rainforests and making this crop 1 of the central causes of global rainforest destruction."

Cross River Gorilla

The Cross River Gorilla is critically endangered and was once believed to be extinct, co-ordinate to the IUCN Red List. Habitat loss is among the threats the smashing ape is facing, forth with hunting. Animal agriculture also presents a health gamble for the Cantankerous River Gorilla. The IUCN writes, "Human expansion is bringing gorillas closer to humans and livestock, with associated disease risks."

Eastern Lowland Gorilla

Add the Eastern Lowland Gorilla to the many species facing a massive loss of habitat due to agriculture. The WWF writes, "As humans have moved from high-density regions in the East into the gorilla'due south territory, they have destroyed and fragmented much of the animal's woods habitat to brand room for farming and livestock.

Western Lowland Gorilla

The Western Lowland Gorilla, on the other hand, "is the almost numerous and widespread of all gorilla subspecies, according to WWF. Yet, the species faces threats from industries hunting and fishing of animals. "Unsustainable logging practices, commercial hunting and fishing, and oil and gas development threaten the western lowland gorilla beyond its range," WWF writes.

Hawksbill Bounding main Turtle

The endangered hawksbill sea turtle faces one of its most formidable threats in the angling industry, oftentimes falling victim to line-fishing gear such as gill nets. NOAA writes, "A primary threat to sea turtles is their unintended capture in fishing gear which tin result in drowning or cause injuries that atomic number 82 to death or debilitation (for example, swallowing hooks or flipper entanglement)."

Hawksbills, which face their eggs being harvested or face being killed for their meat or shells, are also put at risk past run-off from farms, including fertilizers.

Javan Rhinoceros

Save the Rhinoceros writes that the Javan rhino is left with two habitats "much too small for the long-term survival of the species," which makes the loss of habitat from agriculture a severe danger. "Habitat destruction and loss for agronomics and development are further threats to the rhinoceros populations," writes the organization. The Javan rhino is critically endangered, with an estimated population of only effectually 60 animals.

Vancouver Island Marmot

The critically endangered Vancouver Isle Marmot, with an estimated population of around 90, faces a threat in logging, according to IUCN. Nature Canada writes that while this marmot mainly faces predation by species such as wolves and golden eagles, human activeness has fabricated the animal'southward situation more than uncertain.

"While predation is natural, information technology is a threat due to the low population of marmots that has resulted from habitat loss and degradation. The natural sub-alpine meadows that these marmots rely upon take largely been affected past homo activities, and the loss of those habitats has affected the marmots much more than other wildlife. Although wood clear-cut forest actually creates suitable habitat for the Vancouver Island Marmot, it is short-lived. Once the forest regeneration process begins, the marmots are forced out to look for suitable treeless meadow habitats again."

Sumatran Elephant

The Sumatran Elephant is facing a serious threat in agriculture. The People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) writes, "Sumatran elephants in the Leuser Ecosystem and associated nearby forest areas in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, are sadly severely threatened by the conversion of forests into farmland and palm oil plantations."

As with many other species, the demand for its habitat for farming puts the Sumatran elephant shut to and frequently in conflict with humans, and leads to poaching and poisoning of the critically endangered elephants, according to PTES.

Giant Panda

The giant panda is considered vulnerable, with only a petty more than 1,800 individuals remaining. Agriculture including livestock farming is among the threats to this well-known and loved species, co-ordinate to IUCN, likewise as the hunting and trapping of other species.

Sunda Tiger

The Sumatran rainforests are home to the Sunda tiger, and this dwelling is nether threat from farming and other agriculture, as the tiger already faces decline due to poaching. "Habitat for the Sumatran tiger has been drastically reduced by clearing for agronomics (especially oil palm), plantations, and settlement," writes WWF. Beingness increasingly most to humans means that livestock or people are sometimes killed by tigers, leading villagers to target the large cats in response, WWF reports.

Malayan Tiger

The Malayan tiger, like many other species, faces the clearing of its habitat for farming in addition to poaching. This habitat loss is due to demand not for meat, merely palm oil and durian, a fruit.

In 2018, the Guardian reported, "Forests in the region of Raub in Malaysia, which has become a popular destination for Chinese and Singapore tourists on 'durian tours', are being burned and cleared to make way for plantations to grow the Musang King variety of the spiky but stinky fruit. The land is home to the Malayan tiger, which is considered 'critically endangered' with fewer than 300 left in the earth."

Yangtze Finless Porpoise

The critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise is losing the food it needs to survive to the fishing industry. WWF writes, "Overfishing is the main factor that contributes to the decrease in finless porpoises' food supply, merely pollution and ship movement are factors every bit well."

A combination of human activities is pushing the porpoise to the brink. CNN reported in 2013, "Scientists estimate that about 800 million tons of wastewater is dumped into the Yangtze every year. Pollution, overfishing, and intensive development on the Yangtze have all combined to push the porpoise near extinction."

Pinta Isle Tortoise

The Pinta Island Tortoise, or behemothic tortoise, was thought to be extinct when Lonesome George, famous and believed to be the last of his species, died in the Galapagos. But in 2020, researchers found a female member of a subspecies and a partial relative of Lonesome George, according to NBC News.

The WWF lists among the threats to the giant tortoise the introduction of invasive species, "such as dogs and cats which prey on immature tortoises, and cattle which compete for grazing vegetation."

Brazilian Spix's Macaw

The Brazilian Spix'south macaw is technically already considered extinct in the wild. Sadly, the species could non overcome the many threats it faced. In 2018, the lead author of a study confirming the macaw's extinction said, "Our results confirm that there is a growing wave of extinctions sweeping across the continents, driven mainly past habitat loss and degradation from unsustainable agriculture and logging," according to CNN.

Scimitar Oryx

At present considered extinct in the wild, the scimitar oryx faced threats from livestock farming and ranching as well as the hunting and trapping of other animals, co-ordinate to IUCN. Some members of the species remain in captivity, and in that location have been attempts to reintroduce the oryx into the wild.

Southern Rockhopper Penguin

The southern rockhopper penguin is considered vulnerable, and along with invasive species and disease, fisheries are amongst the dangers it faces. Oceana writes, "Though they take not been hunted and their eggs have not been collected for some time, southern rockhopper penguin populations are decreasing. Some populations have decreased dramatically (more than than xc percent). Interactions with fisheries targeting other species and changes to Southern Sea nutrient webs (which may subtract their prey or increase their predators) are possible causes."

Socorro Isopod

The Socorro isopod is extinct in the wild, the IUCN naming its threats every bit having been intrusion and disturbance by humans for recreational activities equally well as dams and water direction in their habitat.

Table salt Creek Tiger Beetle

Amid the rarest insects in the world, "habitat loss associated with urbanization, stabilization of creek banks and farming have reduced the population," leaving the Salt Creek tiger beetle "vulnerable to extinction," co-ordinate to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Western Chimpanzee

In 2017, Smithsonian Magazine reported that the population of Western chimpanzees had declined by 80 percent in 25 years. Researchers found that among the threats faced past these apes are development and infrastructure, climate change, poaching, dams, and diseases.

Carmine-Crowned Roofed Turtle

The IUCN, which lists the scarlet-crowned roofed turtle as critically endangered, names several human-caused threats to the species. In 2017, the IUCN wrote, "Subsequently numerous years of demography surveys and monitoring of nesting sites, we established that the population of this turtle had declined severely. The crucial reason was human interference creating habitat loss due to sand mining, illegal fishing, and poaching of eggs and meat. To supplement their low incomes, communities have increased pressures on the ecosystem. Before in 2017, at that place was a seizure of 23 red-crowned roof turtles in the luggage of international traffickers, indicating an external threat to the species every bit well."

How Many Animals Are Extinct?

Not simply are many species on Earth today facing extinction, simply many accept already vanished. "The vast, vast bulk of life that has existed is now extinct," reports Discovery. "If you were to listing out every species that has always existed on Earth—from the tiniest mold spore to the largest mammal—biologists estimate that somewhere around 99 percent of those species would currently exist extinct."

What Animals Will Be Extinct past 2050?

While we can exist sure of how many animals volition be extinct by 2050, nosotros tin make an educated guess. Co-ordinate to the leading experts, "Contempo studies gauge about eight one thousand thousand species on Earth, of which at least xv,000 are threatened with extinction. It's hard to pinpoint the exact extinction rate considering many endangered species have not been identified or studied even so," Smithsonian writes.

The written report continues: "Regardless, scientists concord that today's extinction rate is hundreds, or even thousands, of times higher than the natural baseline rate."

Some experts believe, though, that many species could be gone by the year 2050, existence driven to the brink by our climate crisis. In 2004, researchers warned that more one million species will exist extinct by 2050. Professor Chris Thomas of Leeds University, atomic number 82 researcher for the study said, "It was far, far worse than we idea, and what we accept discovered may even exist an underestimate."

Thomas said, "It is possible to drastically reduce the output of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and this enquiry makes it imperative we do it as soon as possible. If we tin can stabilize the climate and even reverse the warming we could relieve these species, but nosotros must first to deed now," reports The Guardian.

More recent research examines species that could vanish by 2070. A study by University of Arizona researchers, published in February 2020 and examining the rates of extinction caused by climatic change, concluded that i-third of beast and constitute species will be extinct inside 50 years.

Discovery puts it this way: "Estimates vary, but somewhere between a few dozen to more than a hundred species become extinct every mean solar day. At that charge per unit, it would only have a few tens of thousands of years to wipe out the same number of species as the third mass extinction. This time, nevertheless, nosotros tin can't betoken to a meteorite as the cause. We only have ourselves to blame."

How Tin can Y'all Help?

Research shows that animal agriculture is a major threat to many species facing extinction, from habitat loss to deforestation and more. Climate change, putting countless animals and ecosystems at risk, is also driven in part by fauna agriculture, which causes an estimated fourteen.five to 51 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate action is amongst the United nations (United nations) Sustainable Evolution goals, and the intergovernmental organization writes that sustainable food systems tin reduce their impact "past lowering emissions of critical climate-warming gases, including methane and carbon dioxide."

The Nutrient and Agronomics Arrangement of the UN reports that around 44 percent of livestock emissions are in the form of marsh gas gas, and 27 percent in the form of carbon dioxide. Then, with animal agriculture taking such a heavy toll in the climate crisis, is taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint plenty?

Many experts and ecology advocates say that dietary alter is besides needed, and individuals who are able to tin can accept action past reducing or eliminating our consumption of meat. This is especially needed in the U.Due south., where meat consumption is growing at an alarming rate and around 99 percent of farmed animals are raised on industrial manufacturing plant farms.

Animals are going extinct—but information technology'due south non likewise belatedly

Around the world, animals are facing extinction. For some, there may be time for united states to change their fate. One step you lot tin have today is to calculate your carbon footprint using this tool from the Nature Conservancy, so work to reduce information technology. The list higher up shows that many of the species that are now endangered are facing threats acquired or exacerbated by animal agriculture, and then reducing or eliminating your consumption of animal products is ane positive mode to get started.

Dr. Jane Goodall has said, "With language, we can enquire, as can no other living existence, those questions almost who we are, and why we are hither. And this highly developed intellect means, surely, that we have a responsibility toward the other life forms of our planet whose continued existence is threatened by the thoughtless behavior of our own human species."

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